• 21 May 2021 at 11 : 17 AM

    Najaf Daryabandari: A Window on the World

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    Najaf Daryabandari: A Window on the World

    Najaf Daryabandari (1929 – 2020), a self-trained painter, photographer, writer, and translator, who left behind 28 translations, 6 collections of works and 6 interviews. He was a diligent and vanguard translator with complete command of the Farsi language and an apparently simple but unique style of writing. Colombia University in the US awarded him its […]


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  • 11 September 2019 at 08 : 25 AM

    Bahram Beyzaie: A Mosaic of Metaphors

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    Bahram Beyzaie: A Mosaic of Metaphors

    International Film & Video Center Presents Bahram Beyzaie: A Mosaic of  Metaphors A Film by Bahman Maghsoudlou With: Lily Amir-Arjomand, Bahram Beyzaie, Godfrey Cheshire, Parvaneh Masumi, Esmail Nooriala, Richard Pena, Mojdeh Shamsai, Susan Taslimi Camera: Shahryar Assadi, Bjarne Blume, Sam Javadi, Nezam Kiaie, Danish Saroee, Bahman Soltani, Vahid Zamani Scenario: Bahman Maghsoudlou, Esmail Nooriala Editor: Haleh […]


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  • 31 December 2018 at 11 : 14 AM

    Credit & Synopsis of Razor’s Edge

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    Credit & Synopsis of Razor’s Edge

    Razor’s Edge: The Legacy of Iranian Actresses The History of Iranian Cinema (1930-1979) Writer/Director/Producer: Bahman Maghsoudlou Actresses: Shohreh Aghdashloo, Mary Apick, Pouri Banai, Simin Ghaffari, Vida Ghahremani, Iren, Katayun, Fakhri Khorvash, Zari Khoshkam, Parvaneh  Masumi, Zinat Moaddab, Nilufar, Partow Nooriala, Jaleh Olov, Fahimeh Rastkar, Shahla Riahi, Shahrzad, Tahmineh, Farzaneh Taidi, Susan Taslimi, And: Bahram Beyzaie, […]


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  • 5 December 2018 at 12 : 06 PM

    Life of a legend, Naser Malek Motii

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    Life of a legend, Naser Malek Motii

    Cinema Without Borders published an article about life and legacy of Iranian super star, Naser Malek Motii, by Bahman Maghsoudlou in early December 2018. The link is below: https://www.cinemawithoutborders.com/life-of-a-legend-naser-malek-motii/ Ferdosi Emrooz magazine, published the Farsi version of Naser Malek Motii on Wednesday, December 5, 2018.      


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  • 4 October 2018 at 12 : 11 PM

    Remembering Ahmad Mahmoud

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    Remembering Ahmad Mahmoud

    Thursday, October 4, 2018 marked sixteen years since the passing of Ahmad Mahmoud (1931-2002), a great writer and a dear friend. We first met in the summer of 1966 when I was a medical student, and soon became very close. He had worked a number of different jobs since youth and had spent some time […]


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  • 28 September 2018 at 13 : 46 PM

    Ehsan Yarshater (1920-2018)

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    Ehsan Yarshater (1920-2018)

    [:en] These days, it feels as if we are losing all of our great Iranian artists, writers, and thinkers one by one, unique people who we cannot replace. Dr. Ehsan Yarshater was the latest one of these, passing away on September 1. He was one of the last legendary Iranian historians, linguists and specialists in […]


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  • 25 September 2018 at 12 : 25 PM

    Honoring the Record of Bahman Maghsoudlou

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    Honoring the Record of Bahman Maghsoudlou

    On Sunday evening September 23,2018, five cultural and artistical organization honored almost fifty years record of Bahman Maghsoudlou in Toronto, Canada. Hassan Zerehi the editor-in-chief of prestigious magazine Shahrvand, Saeed Hariri (Toronto book Club), Amir Mahim (Opposite Windows ,TV program), Aref Mohammadi (New Wave Artistic Group) and Said Chooback (The Morning House Publication) all worked […]


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  • 5 September 2018 at 14 : 08 PM

    خاطرات من از استاد بزرگ آنتونی کویین

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    خاطرات من از استاد بزرگ آنتونی کویین

    توفیق آن را داشتم که در اوایل دهه نود با آنتونی کویین، این هنرمند افسانه‌ای و چند وجهی، ملافات داشته باشم. این دیدار به همکاری با وی، آموختن در نزد وی، و تهیه فیلمی با حضور وی منتهی گردید که در اواسط همان دهه ساخته شد. در جریان ساخت هفت پیشخدمت ـــ ۱۹۹۶، داریوش شکوف ـــ من و این بازیگر کلاسیک بیشتر با هم اخت شدیم و رفاقتی صمیمی بین ما ایجاد شد ….


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  • 16 August 2018 at 17 : 15 PM

    My memory of Maestro Anthony Quinn (Part One)

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    My memory of Maestro Anthony Quinn (Part One)

    I had the privilege and honor of meeting Anthony Quinn, a legend and multidimensional artist, in the early ‘90s. I ended up working with him, learning from him and producing one film with him in the middle of that same decade. During the production of Seven Servants, this classic actor and I found much to bond over and the two of us became very close.


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  • 29 April 2018 at 17 : 28 PM

    Remembering Milos Forman

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    Remembering Milos Forman

    روز ١٣ اوريل ميلوش فورمن كارگردان فيلم اماديوس و پروازي بر فراز اشيانه فاخته در سن ٨٦ سالگي درگذشت. مقاله مفصل زير درمورد سينماي اين كارگردان برجسته سينما و برنده دو اسكار براي كارگرداني دو فيلم فوق را براي سايت سينما بدون مرز نوشته ام. در سال ١٣٥٧ ده ساعت برنامه در باره پنج كارگردان سينما بنام چشم انداز هفتم براي تلويزيون ملي ايران ساختم كه هركدام دو ساعت بود و به سبك و نگرش انها ميپرداخت. ميلوش فورمن يكي از انها بود و نه تنها براي برنامه اش با فورمن مصاحبه ي تصويري كرده بودم با اجازه اش يك روز هم در سنترال پارك نيو يورك از پشت صحنه فيلمبرداري فيلم”هر ” هم فيلمبرداري كرديم و در برنامه استفاده شد. دوستاني كه بخواهند انرا در ايران ترجمه و چاپ كنند بايد اجازه بگيرند


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